Social media had a lot to say when Kehlani surprisingly appeared in a selfie with Chris Brown over the weekend. Breezy posted the two of them on his Instagram Story with the overlaid caption, “Twin.” Although the pair seemed to be in good spirits, it didn’t stop Kehlani’s fans from calling out hypocrisy after Brown downplayed her reported suicide attempt in 2016. Social media had a lot to say when Kehlani surprisingly appeared in a selfie with Chris Brown over the weekend. There is no attempting suicide. Stop flexing for the gram,” he wrote at the time. “Doing sh*t for sympathy so those comments under your pics don’t look so bad. He added, “I’ll be the biggest piece of [poop emoji]. But ima ride for my homies regardless. KYRIE is probably one of the only good guys left. IDGAF!” As the two R&B singers have clearly reconciled, some social media users felt she wasn’t sticking to her guns as a woman who advocates for women’s rights — regarding Brown and Rihanna’s 2007 altercation. “Kehlani spends a so much time talking about advocating for human and womens rights to go be playing house with chris brown is sooooooo…… wake up to yourself what the f**k,” one person wrote on X. Another person said, “Kehlani clicking down… you can’t support a serial abuser and be an activist. On the flip side, many agreed that it isn’t fair that the “Residuals” crooner still has to deal with scrutiny from something that happened as a 19-year-old. One fan wrote, “Apparently, Chris Brown is the ONLY person in the world who is not allowed to change. He definitely reached out to Kehlani and apologized for what he said in the past; they are cool now. Period.” Another person insisted, “kehlani and chris brown been good for a while. Yall just be shocked because yall think social media reflects real life. we only know that chris came face to face with her and apologized a long time ago.
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