CNN Reporter Sara Sidner Gets Hit In The Head By A Rock On Live TV

After midnight in Ferguson reporters were still fair game for some. In the middle of a talkback with CNN’s Jake Tapper Sara Sidner was hit in the head by a rock that someone threw at her. “Sorry I just got hit by a rock,” said the tough reporter before going straight into describing the burnt out scene around her. “I’m OK, I’m OK, I’ve been hit by much worse in my day.” Sidner went on to continue her reporting but Tapper jumped in asking her “to get to safety” as more rocks were flying towards her.

Ferguson Liquor Looting
Smh @ looting the liquor store ….. What you gonna do …..Drink your problems away for a night?

Instead of your President telling you to sit back & swallow that bitter pill of injustice. He should tell you to set a better example for your kids. Raise them to be Doctors & Lawyers so they can really make a difference & change the world. And maybe someday that white prosecutor can be you! They set you up for failure by releasing the verdict at night so you guys can burn your neighborhoods to the ground, so they can point & shake their fingers at you & say ….. You See! They act like animals …..

My face when I saw hoodrats running out the store with chips …...

All I'm saying is ……. If I'm Looting! I'm taking a gotdam curve screen TV! Not no f**king chips …..

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