Developed by Airtight Games, which includes much of the team behind Crimson Skies, Dark Void is an intriguing combination of air combat and on-foot third-person action. The game kicks off when the protagonist, cargo pilot Will, flies through the Bermuda Triangle and winds up in an alien dimension where he discovers a hostile race known as The Watchers, who are subjugating humans for various nefarious… Continue
In mid-April, JFK Customs officials busted a 22-year-old U.S. citizen attempting to sneak past security with more than 11 pounds of heroin stashed in his checked luggage. He was arriving from Guayaquil, Ecuador and the drugs were concealed in these boxes of Cocosette chocolate bars. The heroin is worth about $400,000, agents said.
Agents at JFK International Airport in early April seized almost 1,200 carats in what they said could be blood diamonds. The 28 rough diamonds arrived from Sierra Leone and were seized because they did not have the proper documents required under the Clean Diamond Trade Act. The diamonds were headed for Brentwood N.Y. and had a declared value of more then… Continue
A Queens mom was killed Friday night when her house exploded - sparking a roaring inferno - while Con Edison was investigating a gas leak, officials said.
The utility worker who had just lifted a manhole cover was injured in the earthshaking blast, which flattened the home and sent debris and flames flying into the air.
Firefighters found Ghanwatti Boodram's body in the rubble of the 260th St. house four… Continue
No doubt Serena Williams is used to the stadium lights of tennis courts, but did she misjudge the power of photographers' flashbulbs when she posed on the red carpet at a film premiere?
Rihanna lost more than her innocence the night she was allegedly beat up by Chris Brown -- she's also out $1.4 million in jewelry.
RiRi is asking the cops to hand back a pair of earrings and three rings the cops logged as evidence on the night in question. And get this -- the jewelry isn't even hers. According to docs, the bling belonged to four companies which loaned it to her for the pre-Grammy party she attended… Continue
During a concert in Oakland, Calif., Thursday night, Britney Spears left a little of herself behind on the stage.
In a sequence where a dancer in an aerial harness lifts a reclining Brit-Brit into the air, one of the singer's blonde locks appears to be torn from her head.
Stress? Poor diet? Or just a hair extension with a mind of its own? Whatever the cause, the runaway hair didn't seem to bother the "Circus" crooner. Ever the pro, Britney stayed in… Continue
April 24, 2009. just learned that rapper Asher Roth is in some trouble. Apparently yesterday he posted a message on Twitter. The message used the racially offensive phrase "nappy headed hoes."
Shortly after posting the message, shown below, learned that Asher removed the post and replaced it with an… Continue
New York City rakes in over $600,000,000 a year in parking fines. It has become painfully obvious that the city is no longer interested in public safety but rather in collecting revenue. The biggest clue to this equation is written on the orange envelope that comes with a parking summons."Make all checks payable to the Department Of FINANCE."
With such a large amount of money at stake, there is too much opportunity for corruption and lack of discretion by the… Continue
Probers are trying to get to the bottom of who sprinkled itching powder on the seats of teachers and students at a Brooklyn elementary school, the Daily News has learned.
Teacher and student victims of the prank at East New York's Public School 345 were scratching their heads - as well as other places - after Wednesday's incident, sources said.
The city Department of Environmental Protection is still… Continue