Nicki Minaj Reveals Her Immigration Status Says “I’m Not A Citizen Of America

Nicki Minaj during a recent TikTok Live session, the Queens rapper revealed some surprising information about her current immigration status. “I’m not a citizen of America. Isn’t that crazy?” she said during the stream. The Pink Friday creator then delved into how she feels she deserves citizenship due to how much she has contributed to the United States over the years. “I was born on a beautiful island called Trinidad and Tobago. But I’ve been in the States for many years. You would think that with the millions of dollars that I’ve paid in taxes to this country that I would have been given an honorary citizenship many, many, many thousands of years ago.” Although the reveal may have come to a shock to many people, this isn’t the first time Nicki has spoken on the matter. Back in 2018, the “Everybody” emcee opened up on Instagram about her upbringing while advocating for immigrant rights. “I came to this country as an illegal immigrant at 5 years old. I can’t imagine the horror of being in a strange place and having my parents stripped away from me at the age of 5. This is so scary to me. Please stop this. Can you try to imagine the terror & panic these kids feel right now? Not knowing if their parents are dead or alive, if they’ll ever see them again,” she wrote. 


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