Talk about a booby prize.

The Gold Coast's Sin City Nightclub in Australia is promoting a $10,000 boob job as a lottery prize at an upcoming Ibiza-themed party, the Gold Coast Bulletin reported.

Both male and female clubgoers will be offered scratchoff tickets that could win them minor prizes, or, for one lucky winner, another cup size.

To advertise the April 3 event, the club put up scintillating posters earlier this week of top-heavy women in lingerie holding up a sign telling patrons that they can "Win a boob job valued at $10,000."

However, a small-print disclaimer explains the actual prize is $10,000 in cash, which can be used as the winner sees fit. Breast enlargement surgery is merely one suggestion.

Nightclub owner Jamie Pickering told the Gold Coast Bulletin that the promotion was designed to draw in a younger female crowd that may be more excited about winning double D's over dollars.

"On the Gold Coast a lot of girls have them and a lot of girls want them," Pickering said, referring to breast enhancements.

"They can do whatever they want with the money," he added. "It’s just that we'd like to see them get a boob job and come in and show them off."

But for some, the booby prize comes off as more of a bust.

Women’s groups, body image experts and plastic surgeons all have spoken out against the cleavage-boosting promo, a ploy some said they found abhorrent, the Gold Coast Bulletin reported.

"It assumes young women would want to spend 10 grand on a boob job other than something that could benefit their future, like travel, a house or career," QUT body image expert Dr. Evonne Miller told the Bulletin.

The promo also might be breaking a few rules.

The Bulletin reported that Australia's Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation prohibits surgical procedures as prizes, and that even with the poster's disclaimer, new consumer laws say businesses cannot rely on small to print to excuse misleading advertising.


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