LAPD Probing Why Getaway Driver In Nipsey Hussle Shooting Wasn't Arested

The getaway driver in the Nipsey Hussle shooting was sent home by a confused desk officer when she tried to turn herself in — an incident that has since sparked an internal police probe.

The driver, whose name hasn’t been released, testified to a grand jury that she went to the 77th Street police station after seeing her car and license plate on the news during the manhunt for the gunman.

“I didn’t do anything. I didn’t know this boy was gonna do this,” the woman said she told her mother about driving suspect Eric Holder away from the March 31 shooting.

But when the mother and daughter went to the station, the desk officer told them: “Don’t worry about it,” according to a grand jury transcript.

“Don’t listen to the news,” the officer added.

The woman said her mom called the police again after they were turned away, and that she eventually spoke to detectives on the case.

LAPD Detective Cedric Washington testified that the woman had initially been waved off.

“That is true, according to the desk officer that I spoke to about it,” Washington said.

“OK. He apparently missed a briefing in the chief’s press conference that day, I guess,” Deputy District Attorney John McKinney responded.

LAPD spokesman Josh Rubenstein told the Los Angeles Times last week that the desk officer was just confused.

“She was not making herself clear of what she was doing,” Rubenstein said of the getaway driver, noting that the officer thought the woman was reporting that someone was recording video of her car on TV.

The LAPD’s Office of the Inspector General confirmed Monday that it has opened an internal investigation into why the woman was turned away.

The grand jury on May 9 indicted Holder, 29, with murder, attempted murder and other felonies. He has pleaded not guilty.


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