Kanye West Faces Countersuit From Insurance Company

Kanye West may have had a nervous breakdown, but he has to prove it if he wants the money back from his canceled tour.

In a countersuit filed by a syndicate for his insurance company Lloyd's of London, documents alleged that West's team is refusing to provide the necessary proof surrounding his medical history in order to move forward with payment, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

Lloyd's cites certain clauses in the insurance policy, which focus on pre-existing psychological conditions, alcohol and illegal drug use, and nonprescription use of prescription drugs, THR reports. While the company does not explicitly accuse West of taking drugs or alcohol without prescriptions, it is adamant his camp has not provided the accurate documentation to answer some of the questions.

"Underwriters' investigation indicates substantial irregularities in Mr. West's medical history," the documents obtained The Hollywood Reporter claimed.

The insurer chose to keep the details under wraps in order to protect the rapper's privacy.

West and his company, Very Good Touring Inc., previously filed a $10 million suit against the company over payments he hadn't received from the canceled tour, noting that Lloyd's didn't pay him even though he had checked himself into a psychiatric center.

"Nor have they provided anything approaching a coherent explanation about why they have not paid, or any indication if they will ever pay or even make a coverage decision, implying that Kanye's use of marijuana may provide them with a basis to deny the claim and retain the hundreds of thousands of dollars in insurance premiums paid by Very Good," the complaint, which was filed on Aug. 2 in Los Angeles Superior Court, says.

Howard King, West's attorney, told TMZ that the countersuit is "the same generic response Lloyd's files when they don't want to honor a legitimate claim but can't find a factual basis to deny the claim."

West had cancelled the performances after a string of odd behavior and following his wife Kim Kardashian's harrowing robbery at gunpoint in Paris.


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