Daddy Yankee Retires From Music To Devote His Life To Jesus Christ

Daddy Yankee the 46-year-old played a homecoming show in Puerto Rico as part of his farewell tour. During the set, he took a moment to update fans on his future and let everybody know that he will be devoting his life to Christianity moving forward. “Family: This day for me, is the most important day in my life,” he wrote on Instagram. “tonight I recognize and am not ashamed to tell the whole world that Christ lives in me and that I will live for him. This is the end of one chapter and the beginning of a brand new one. He then quoted Matthew 16: 26 from the New Testament, writing: “For what good is it for a man to gain the whole world, if he loses his life? Or how much can a man pay for his life? For the Son of Man will come in the glory of his Father and with his angels, and then he will reward each one according to what he has done. the “Gasolina” rapper let his guard down and addressed the crowd during an emotional interlude about where he is in life currently. “Living a life of success is not the same as living a life with purpose,” he said in Spanish. “I have to confess that those days are over. Someone was able to fill that emptiness […] All the tools that I have in my possession such as music, social networks, platforms, a microphone everything that Jesus gave me is now for his kingdom. Daddy Yankee went on to thank Puerto Rico, encouraging those who have supported him to “walk with [him] in this new beginning” and to “follow Jesus Christ, who is the way, the truth and the life. 


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