Chance The Rapper Criticizes Netflix’s ‘Bright’

Chance the Rapper added his voice to the criticism against Netflix’s latest original film, “Bright.”

The musician expressed his disappointment Tuesday night on Twitter with what he describes as the movie’s “shallow” attempt to portray race relations in America.

Directed by David Ayer, “Bright” is set in an alternate reality where humans and mythical creatures live side by side, with orcs as the minority. Will Smith’s character gets paired up with the LAPD’s first orc cop, played by Joel Edgerton.

“Wondering how you guys are feeling about the lynched [orc] in #BrightMovie,” Chance began a five-tweet thread. “I found the way they tried to illustrate [America’s] racism through the mythical creatures to be a little shallow.”

He continued,”I always feel a lil cheated when I see allegorical racism in movies ’cause that racism usually stems from human emotion or tolerance, but not by law or systems, the way it is in real life. The characters in ‘Bright’ live in a timeline where racism is gone… cause we hate [orc] now.”

One user joined his debate, saying, “If I had to complain about anything… it’s about the indirect relationship of orcs to black people. That was weird to me.” Chance responded, “I think the idea is that they’re a step below bottom of the spectrum blackness. Which is why Will’s character, the Mexican cop, and the [orc] have that dialogue in the street.”

Another user suggested the creators weren’t “trying to make a metaphor.” Chance pointed to a controversial scene where Smith’s character says, “Fairy lives don’t matter,” in reference to the Black Lives Matter movement. In response to that particular criticism, the film’s writer, Max Landis, tweeted, “I believe the ‘Fairy Lives Don’t Matter’ line was an adlib by Will Smith, but I don’t know for sure.”


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