Celebrities Hope To Put An End To Chinese Dog Eating Festival

Coming to the aid of man's best friend!

Celebrities such as Matt Damon, Joaquin Phoenix, Kate Mara, Alicia Silverstone, Alyssa Milano, and Pamela Anderson hope to put an end to a Chinese dog eating festival taking place June 22 in Yulin, China.

The stars are featured in a PSA along with Marc Ching, the founder of the Animal Wellness Project, an organization that works in Yulin trying to save dogs before the 10-day festival begins.

According to Ching, every year thousands of dogs are captured then abused days before they are boiled alive because it a "belief that if you torture or abuse the animal, it makes the meat taste better or that it gives health benefit to who eats it."

"Whether or not you think it is something to be eaten or on the menu, cruelty and torture and violence is wrong," he says.

According to the Humane Society International, thousands of dogs, many of them stolen pets, will be captured and transported before the festival.

So far, the organization has saved 29 dogs and five cats from a slaughterhouse in Yulin this week, just days before the festival is scheduled to begin, they said in a statement.

"Some of the dogs were wearing collars, suggesting these are pets stolen by dog thieves to fuel the trade, an increasingly common crime across China."


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