Cam’Ron And Maser Responds To Elliott Wilson After His Criticism Of Their Sports Show "It Is What It Is"

Elliott Wilson. During a recent episode of the New Rory & Mal podcast, the veteran Hip-Hop journalist shared his two cents on artists becoming media personalities, specifically the two aforementioned rappers’ Cam’Ron and Ma$e sports show, It Is What It Is. Everybody is media. Cam’ron’s running around like he’s Stephen A. Smith. It’s what we’re dealing with,” Wilson stated. “Why is he a sports journalist? Because he has an opinion? He’s got Ma$e having a job because the bag is there! […] This is the s**t I do well and now everybody wants to do it. I don’t like it.After hearing of his criticism, Cam and Ma$e responded on the show’s official Instagram. “THE YEAR JUST STARTED & WE JUST CHILLING MINDING OUR BUSINESS SIPPING [champagne emoji] & HERE COME THIS ‘CUBAN GOODING JR’ LOOKING MUTHAFU*KA WITH HIS SALTY HATING AZZ,” the first post read. “HEY YO @elliottwilson YOU WASHED & NOBODY IS CHECKING FOR YOU, #WETHENEWSOURCE GET USE TO IT [clown emoji] YOU A BONA FIED HATER AT IT’s FINEST. The men’s tirade continued in a series of additional posts. “HEY @elliottwilson THEN YOU GOT SOME NERVE TO BE FOLLOWING US, BUT AS YOU CAN SEE WE DON’t FOLLOW YOU [clown emoji] SO WITH THAT BEING SAID ‘CURVE’ YA BREATH STANK, IF ‘PUN’ WAS ALVE HE WILL TELL YOU GO THAT WAY FOH. After trolling him with a meme from The Pursuit Of Happyness, Wilson called a truce. “OK y’all won. SMH. Ha!” he commented with a trophy emoji. However, Cam and Ma$e didn’t back down. “HEY YALL NOW HE WANT TO WAVE THE WHITE FLAG. NAH @elliottwilson IT’s OVER WHEN WE SAY IT’s OVER,” they fired back, adding, “WE BEEN WINNING & ALREADY WON, WE DON’t NEED YOU TELLING US. NOW YOU WANT TO REPOST OUR CONTENT FOH, WE NEED ALL OUR FOLLOWERS IN HIS COMMENT SECTION ASAP CAUSE WE AIN’t GOING FOR ITOf his initial criticism, Wilson considered content from non-journalists to be “cringeworthy,” noting, “I watch their s**t, it’s not good. It ain’t popping!


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