50 Cent has shared his reaction to Kanye West‘s viral deposition video that’s been making rounds online. The clip, which aired during a recent episode of A&E’s Interrogation Raw: Celebrity Under Oath, finds West in a hostile exchange with a lawyer, who he’s combative with throughout the course of the proceedings. On New Year’s Day, 50 Cent posted a clip from the show on social media, expressing his admiration for his former rival’s erratic behavior. “I be liking some of the sh*t Yeezy be doing, but I’m not doing it,” the Queens native wrote in the caption. “I don’t understand why he do it . LOL.” In the clip, which aired on Dec. 26, West can be seen wearing a mask while sitting in front of what appears to be a webcam. He asks if the result of the deposition could result in him being arrested, with attorney Michael Popok imploring the Chicago native to stick to his line of questioning. West continued to attempt to consult with his lawyer, ignoring Popok’s request. “No, I’m asking,” the 47-year-old snapped back at the attorney, before turning his attention back to his legal counsel. “Ekwan, can I go to jail off of anything related to this lawsuit?” After attempting to repeat himself, Popok is cut off by West yet again, who alludes to his legal right to speak with his attorney while scoffing at Popok’s perceived authority over him. “What you mean I can’t ask my lawyer a question?” he asked. “You crazy. You don’t know who you talking to. I’m not some slave of yours, boy.” The deposition, which occurred back in 2020,
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