Cam Bean's "Feel Like Livin'" Is Boom-Bap Rap Like No Other: It'll Make You Feel Like Life's Good, Bright, Happy and Stress-Free

Cam Bean’s single “Feel Like Livin'” (@tom_bomb_yt) is a feel-good rap song that will make you feel like life’s great when you stay focused on what you want. Lines like “I just want to be a millionaire and have a good time, I ain’t worry about shit, let’s have a good night, no stress on my mind, trying to get right, I just feel nice, I just want to feel alive” connect with the desires of billions of people, and the accompanying major chord piano stabs, riding boom-bap beat, cherry-topped with a beach-like piano and trumpet melody, and a brass section closing it all with laughter, together with the bright, happy child and colorful balloon visual, makes you feel like you’re on a summer holiday in a resort in a luscious vacation spot, enjoying the fruits of life. If you want a mood boost, Cam Bean’s “Feel Like Livin'” will give it to you.

Cam Bean is an artist from the United States who is on the rise and looking to get his music out to more listeners.

- Taken from @44faced

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