Kodak Black recently joined Kai Cenat on a Twitch stream and had viewers concerned about his erratic behavior due to supposed drug use, which he addressed afterward.“I take one perc and y’all be so f**king butthurt,” the 27-year-old said in response to the reactions fans had when it appeared he took a Percocet pill while on stream. “Y’all don’t like a ni**a anyway.” Though fans seemed genuinely concerned and suggested he go to rehab, Black took their comments negatively and blocked many users. He even took another pill while addressing the pill controversy on Instagram Live.“I’m just Yak, bro,” he continued. “Ain’t sh*t changed, that’s how I came in this bi**h. I wake up like this. If anything, give me drugs. Give me drugs, and I’ll chill. When I’m not high, when I ain’t higher than a bi**h, I’m vibing. When I’m high, I’m in my coma bruh, I ain’t talking to nobody ‘cuz I’m getting high.” He also dismissed users for being broke, hurt, and having “no motion.
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