Check Out The Interview With Artist Q Machette

1. Where are we talking from today?

2. What would you like to accomplish in 2019?
I would like to accomplish more business ventures.

3. What is your take on politics?
Politics decisions affect people's daily lives so it’s important that we educate our selves on how to respond to it.

4. Where did you get your artist name from?
I got it from me I create it by using my nickname mix with my lyrical ability.

5. Growing up, how important has music been in your life? Can you recall the moment when you decided that you wanted to be a musician? Was it an easy or difficult choice to make?
Growing up with music was very important to me I remember when I first saw N.W.A video Straight Out of Compton at that moment I knew where I wanted to be it was an easy choice.

6. Was there ever a time when you thought about doing something else? If you weren’t a musician today, what could you see yourself doing?
 Not at first I only wanted to do music but as I mature my business intelligence pick up so I wanted to start exploring being an entrepreneur.

7. What has been the biggest surprise so far about making music in your career? What has been an unexpected or welcome challenge to it all?
One of the biggest surprises of my career is challenges and opportunity because as an artist you have to understand how to react to them ...that will determine the outcome of your career. Stay focused and trust God.

8. What was it like putting together your EP?
Putting together my EP was fun. It’s nothing better than doing something you love and getting paid for it..blessings.

9. Who are some of your favorite artists or rather, what musicians have continued to inspire you and your music? Who would you absolutely still love to work within the future?
 I don’t have a favorite artist I respect all artist craft and their movement. I have been blessed to have work with a few already like Gucci Mane, Trouble DTE, Bobby V , Cash Out, Young Dro , Waka Flocka, etc. In the future, I probably will link up with J Cole for my last project I’m working on.

10. What has it been like keeping up with your social media accounts and all of the different platforms? Is it hard to stay up to date on it all? What would you say is your favorite way to connect with your fans now?
Lol I don’t be on social media like that I’m in a different place now but when I do I connect with the fans by being me .. I call it advertising my truth lol.

11. If you were going to be stranded on a deserted island, what musical item would you take with you and why?
For me, it would be the electric guitar. The sheer power of the sound and the ability to shape it in so many ways lets me express my connection with something that’s transcendent.

12. If your music was going to be featured on any TV show that is currently on right now, which would you love it to be on? Or if you prefer, what is a movie that you love that you wish your music was featured in?
As far as TV I will love for my music to be on a black-ish TV show I love that show or if it’s a movie I will get with the movie Next Friday because I know when that movie drops it’s going to be another classic ..s/o to Ice Cube.

13. At the end of the day, what do you hope people take away from your music?
My music is real life experiences so I will hope people take away knowledge and wisdom from it.

14. When you are not making music what else do you enjoy to do?
I enjoy spending time with my family and giving back by helping the elderly and the homeless.

15.  Where you @ online?

You can reach me @realqmachette Twitter
Or qmachetteytg .
Facebook /Q.Machette.Fan
Music link

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