Young Dolph Murder Case Take Next Steps For Two Remaining Suspects Cornelius Smith And Hernandez Goven

After the conviction of Justin Johnson for the murder of Young Dolph last week, what's next for the two remaining suspects charged in the case Cornelius Smith and Hernandez Goven? Thursday (Sept. 26), Justin Johnson, the first suspect involved in the murder of Memphis rapper Young Dolph, was found guilty of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison. While this is a bittersweet news to family and friends of the late rhymer, the case is not over, just yet. Cornelius Smith and Hernandez Govan, the two remaining suspects implicated in the killing of Dolph, have yet to be held accountable for their actions. But that will change soon. court records show that Govan, the accused murder mastermind, is due back in court for a hearing on Oct. 9. Meanwhile, Smith, the second gunman, is scheduled to make a court appearance on Nov. 15 where he will meet his fate in the role of Dolph's murder. A fourth suspect, Jermarcus Johnson, who is Justin Johnson's half-brother, pleaded guilty to three counts of accessory after the fact in June of 2023. He faces six to 12 years in prison. He has a court date scheduled for Oct. 9 as well.Both Jermarcus and Smith testified against Johnson. On the first day of the murder trial (Sept. 23), Smith testified that he and Johnson had been asked to kill Dolph in exchange for a $100,000 reward offered by Yo Gotti's brother Big Jook and Hernandez Govan. While evading capture by police, Smith admitted that he received merely $800 after carrying out the heinous act. The prosecution played a video of the shooting at Makeda’s Cookies bakery shop and Smith confirmed it was him and Johnson in the footage. In response to the prosecutor's inquiry regarding any incentives offered in exchange for his testimony, Smith reportedly said, "I'm going to jail anyway. I can get it off my chest." "It's my best out to be honest, to be truthful," he added. "Why play with these folks, they already know." Shelby County District Attorney General Steve Mulroy told ABC24 Memphis that Smith and Govan's fates will be determined either through trial or a plea deal and will depend on their level of cooperation.


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