Bummer, bro.
Officials at Texas Christian University and Kappa Sigma fraternity are investigating an early January ski trip in which a fraternity member incurred second- and third-degree burns after he was branded on his buttocks.
The victim, Amon Carter IV, will need at least six plastic surgeries to repair the damage.
Carter, 20, is a sophomore at Texas Christian University. One night during a ski trip with members of Kappa Sigma and the Tri Delta Sorority in Breckenridge, Colorado, Carter drunkenly agreed to allow his fraternity brothers to use a hot coat hanger to finish a branding of the Kappa Sigma symbols onto his rear. The original branding had started on a spring break trip more than a year ago.
It was a dumb, drunken decision, said Carter, who takes full responsibility for his actions, the Star-Telegram reports.
But they didn’t stop there. While Carter was passed out, they continued to brand his other butt cheek with the large triangles of the Tri Delta Sorority.
Carter cannot remember what happened that night—he has no memory of the second branding— or who was responsible for it. Carter’s family has already hired Kathryn Craven, a Fort Worth lawyer, to pressure school officials and the police to take punitive legal action against those involved.
Although it is considered assault to abuse someone while they are asleep or unconscious, Breckenridge Police Department spokeswoman Kim Green said that officials believe Carter consented to at least some branding before passing out, ABCNews.com reports. Whether or not he gave permission for the branding could be a deciding factor if any of the brothers are charged.
The family is not sure if any other students were branded on the trip, and the other fraternity brothers are not speaking to Carter.
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