Waka Flocka Tells Concert Fans To Leave If They Are Joe Biden Supporters

Waka Flocka has a message for all of his fans stay away from his concerts if you're a Joe Biden supporter The Grammy-nominated rapper made that point abundantly clear during his Monday performance onstage at Club Sky in Salt Lake City, Utah. Waka stopped in the middle of his set to address the packed crowd about the 46th president of the United States and potential 2024 democratic nominee for the White House. With his mic in hand, Waka announced, "All Joe Biden voters, get out of my concert. We're gonna party right now for T24" which was an apparent reference to Donald Trump's run for the presidency. Some in the audience raised their arms and cheered while others didn't react at all. A few people on social media criticized Waka for his political statement. One user on X wrote, "As much as I don't like Joe Biden this was wrong they paid money for a show like everyone else and while performing a show they should keep politics out of it. Another person said, "This is wrong to be honest everyone is entitled to vote who they want it's no secret Waka is a Trump devotee. He has endorsed Trump's 2024 White House bid and has posed for pictures with the prospective Republican nominee.


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