May 10, 2009. MediaTakeOut.com just heard some EXPLOSIVE news. According to one of our MOST RELIABLE insiders, there are more EXPLICIT PICS to be released.
According to MediaTakeOut.com's insider, pics allegedly showing Jennifer Lopez naked are set to hit the internet today or tomorrow. Apparently the same source which released the "Cassie" photos and the "Rihanna" photos also has some of "J Lo".
But how did that individual get all the photos, you ask?? Well rumor is that all the pics came from one celebrity's social networking account - which was allegedly hacked.
If that's what went down, then there's a better question. How did THAT CELEB (who is rumored to have dated more than one of the 3 chicks) account have pics of all these women ....
Stay Tuned y'all ... this saga's about to get REAL INTERESTING
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