This is a news story of an 6th grade 11 year old boy who was tased by police because he wouldn't stop beating on a female classmate. In researching this story, I found the backstory of what happened and some facts that might change your view of the situation if you think tasing an 11 year old is wrong...

According to news several news sources, including the Atlanta Journal, the fight began at lunch when the male student took food from the female student. She became upset and told him if he was going to take her food, he needed to pay her for it. He said he would when they got back to class. When they did, he refused to pay her for the food he stole. The argument lead them to both be sent to the prinicipal's office. So that's the jist of the argument.

Now, when they were sitting in the office, the boy suddenly jumped on the girl and started punching her in the head and face.

If you notice, local news likes to sensationalize stories by either leaving some information out, or playing up things that are normal reactions or procedures to certain events such as this story.... Notice how it begins with "A WILD STORY...." Yea, wild because of the facts they left out....and "it prompted an internal police investigation" Which is what happens every time someone gets tased or punched or peppersprayed or shot or beat with a baton... It's called a use of force investigation to make sure the officer acted appropriately on a subject that was not cooperating. IT'S STANDARD PROCEDURE.

SOOOO, what this news story doesn't report, either because they left it out on purpose, or didn't have the information, was that the 11 year old boy wieghed 200 POUNDS AND WAS ^ FEET TALL, and the girl only wieghed 85 pounds. It also doesn't mention the fact that the police officer, YES A POLICE OFFICER, who's job role in the dept is SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER, tried, along with two other adults that were there, to pry this kid off the girl. He was on top of her on the ground punching her in the head and face. They could not lift him off or pull the girl away from him. SO instead of pepperspraying the kid, which would have affected everyone in the room, or using a baton to beat the kid into submission, the officer used her taser to attempt to get him off of the little girl. She tased him once... THEN he got up and attacked the little girl AGAIN!!!! She had to tase him again to get him under control. Sound like a typical easily controlled 11 year old?

I'm not for tasing small children, but this kid was no small child. Yes he was 11, but he's not a typical little 120 pound 11 year old boy. He's 200 POUNDS and 6 feet tall. He had to be tased TWICE to gain complience, that's not a typical 11 year old.

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