Pleasure P is lashing out against allegations that surfaced last week claiming the R&B singer is a child molester. In an interview with MTV News this week, Pleasure P (real name: Marcus Cooper) once again vehemently denied the charges and said he believes someone is "gunning for" him.
"I work so hard for my good name and my name goes a long way," he explained, in response to the accusation. "I got a 5-year-old son. We're talking family here. I don't find none of the lies funny. I take it very seriously."
Pleasure P first responded to the allegations via a statement he posted on his personal Web site, calling the anonymous charges against him "disgusting" and "vile."

Word of the accusations first broke over a series of Twitter posts by a person who claimed she was the daughter of a lawyer who once represented Pleasure P in a case. The woman, who used the Twitter handle AGoldsteinGirl (which has since been suspended) alleged the singer failed to pay her father; as a result, she tweeted, she released what were purported to be sealed documents from a molestation case against Pleasure P.

Pleasure P called the paperwork fabricated.

"It's false, it's a lie," he said. "This is not [even] a girl. It's a fake person, somebody that doesn't exist."

In his original statement, Pleasure P said he has never been represented by a lawyer named Goldstein, nor does he know the person reportedly responsible for the tweets, named Laura Goldstein.

Two years ago, during litigation between Pleasure P and Pretty Ricky, when the singer announced his departure from the group during a red carpet interview, an attorney named Richard C. Wolfe from the Florida law firm Wolfe & Goldstein was retained by Pretty Ricky.

When contacted by MTV News, Wolfe denied any involvement from his associates over the alleged leaked information.

"No one from this firm had anything to do with any alleged allegations made against Mr. Cooper," Wolfe said.

The alleged documents, which were posted on several blogs and Web sites, have since been removed at the request of the singer's legal team.

MTV News viewed the documents prior their removal. In the paperwork, Pleasure P was accused of molesting a 4-year-old that was alleged to be his niece. The papers also listed the name Joseph Smith and an obstructed address that was traced to Bluestar Entertainment, the management camp behind Pleasure P's former group Pretty Ricky. Smith heads Bluestar Entertainment and is the father of Pretty Ricky member Diamond Blue.

There has been speculation that Pleasure P's former bandmates are behind the allegations.

Diamond Blue, however, issued a statement to MTV News Friday (December 11) on behalf of Bluestar Entertainment denying responsibility. The comments also seem to suggest that more allegations will arise against Pleasure P. The singer and his former group continue to have a strained relationship.

"At this time we are not allowed to discuss this particular issue due to a court order [Pleasure P] obtained preventing us from talking about the matter," the statement reads. "What I can say is that NO member of Pretty Ricky, Bluestar or its affiliate companies have anything to do with this. WE ARE NOT INVOLVED and haven't looked back since we kicked him out the group and sued him for breach of contract. We are focused on our new self-titled album which is in stores NOW and getting great reviews everywhere! Always remember that, what happens in the dark always comes to light! Time will tell!"

Pleasure P said he and his legal team have a short list of people whom they suspect are behind the allegations; the singer would not comment on whether members of the Pretty Ricky camp were on the list. He did say, though, that he is confident those behind the charges will be found.

The singer said the timing of the charge was especially frustrating considering they arose shortly before it was announced he was nominated for three Grammy Awards for his solo debut album, The Introduction of Marcus Cooper.

"I wasn't able to celebrate that moment," he said. "I wasn't able to do the things that any average person that got nominated was able to do. I had to stop my tour — I was on tour with [R.Kelly] — and come to New York and deal with all this stuff. I'm real protective when it comes to my family and my name and my livelihood and just everything we talking about. I take it serious. And I have a 5-year-old son, he got to go to school, what are they gonna say to him? I can't dig this at all."

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