We all know it's cool for rappers to get arrested these days. It does nothing but help their career, look at Gucci Mane for example. It's right up there with getting shot.

However, going to jail on Child Molestation charges just might end your career faster than being a alfa-snitch. This might be the case for J. Futuristic, formerly known as J-Money and known to the DeKalb County Police as Jermaine Eddie Miller. In an exclusive report, our research at into the background of J. Futuristic has uncovered 16 felony charges since 1998. The most egregious of those being 'Child Molestation' in 1998 (Warrant # 98W57094, Booking # 9843868) He has had numerous failure to appear charges as well as Possession with the intent to distribute, escape, forgery, trespass, obstruction, receiving stolen property, carrying a weapon, mutiny in penal institution, simple assault, burglary, altering titles and tags, driving away without paying for gas and twice he's been charged with "Abandonment of Child" most recently in January of this year, this charge refers to a parent's choice to have no role in his/her child's life. This includes failure to support the child financially. Much More info after the jump including 5 mug shots and his complete rap sheet...

You may notice that each charge is assigned to a different SPN (Specific Person Number). You also will notice that there are 2 different SPN's which would make you think that there are two Jermaine Miller's. You would be wrong, both SPN's have the same birth date, weight, height, skin tone, home address and the picture below which is clearly J. Futuristic is from the SPN associated with the Child Molestation charges. We should note that it appears he wasnt convicted of those charges, it does show the case as still being open. Perhaps it was some sort of misunderstanding.

His Abandonment of Child charge in 2006 resulted in him having to pay $215 a month in child support, as we stated earlier he was charged with the same in January of this year and released on February 1st. Perhaps now that he's famous the mother of his child thinks $215 isnt quite adequate.

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