Nipsey Hussle Grand Jury Transcript Reveals Alleged Killer Used Two Different Guns

Nipsey Hussle's alleged killer used two different weapons in the murder of the rapper, according to newly released grand jury transcripts.

According to court documents obtained by The Blast, during the grand jury hearing, Deputy District Attorney Valerie Aenlle-Rocha told the grand jury that Eric Holder, the man arrested for killing Nipsey, confronted him after a conversation where the rapper accused Holder of snitching.

She described snitching as "a very serious offense in the gang world."

Aenlle-Rocha also said that Holder allegedly shot Nipsey with two different weapons — a semiautomatic handgun and a revolver.

Herman Douglas, who worked for Nipsey, testified to the grand jury that he saw Holder come up to Nipsey during their initial discussion before the murder. Douglas testified that he heard Nipsey tell Holder that he heard "they got some paperwork" on Holder.

Douglas explained that "paperwork" meant, "Like he was in jail for snitching or he had told on somebody or something, you know, like, you know,there's rumors going around that he had told on somebody, some particular stuff he may have told on, and Nipsey had told him that he hadn't read it, 'I haven't read any paperwork, I don't know, you know, but you need to address it,' or -- you know, basically telling the guy you need to be careful, you know, because people got some paperwork on you."

Douglas testified that he "had an uneasy feeling" about Holder but he "never in a million years would I have thought he would have came back and done that, you know, judging by the conversation."

He explained, "I understand somebody's arguing and somebody leaves out you kind of expect that, but there was never no argument. It was never -- like I said, Nipsey was basically looking out for him, telling him that, you know, 'I haven't read it, I don't know if it's true or not, but you need to address it.' that's what Nipsey was doing."

Douglas said the conversation was not particularly heated and he didn't feel anyone was disrespecting anyone else.

The grand jury also heard testimony from the woman who allegedly drove Holder to and from the scene on the day of the murder. The witness (who was not identified in the grand jury transcript) got immunity in return for testimony.

The woman claims she met Holder in February 2019 when she was working as a driver. She said the two would hang out roughly every other day and had an "intimate" relationship but she wouldn't categorize it as dating.

She testified that she did not know Holder was in a gang and only learned about his gang affiliation after the shooting. She also testified that she never feared for her safety while she was with him and that Holder was never violent towards her.

The woman testified that she was driving with Holder when he told her to pull into the shopping center where Nipsey's store was located because he wanted something to eat from the burger place next door.

As she turned into the shopping center, the woman says she recognized Nipsey Hussle.

She testified, "As I'm turning, I see Nipsey Hussle and like three -- like two -- maybe three other guys standing around him. I was like, 'Ooh, there goes Nipsey Hussle. He look fine. I want to take a picture.' This as I'm going into the plaza and turning in. As I'm saying all this, Eric is not saying nothing."

The woman testified that Holder went inside to get something to eat while she pulled the car into an alley because there were no parking spots. From her car, she told the grand jury that she saw Holder go up to Nipsey and have a conversation.

She says she decided to go up to the pair and overheard the middle of their conversation. The woman testified, "When I seen him walked over there, I was like -- I'm about to get out the car, you know, 'cause he already over there. So I'm getting out the car. I'm walking up. So I hear Eric just talking about cuz this, you know, had you ever snitched. That's me walking up in the middle, middle of the conversation. So his friend, Nipsey's friend, you know, he asked me like, you know, 'What's up?' and I'm like, 'I want to get a picture with Nipsey.' And he was letting me know, you know, wait until Eric finished talking. He didn't say Eric. He just said wait until he got through talking."

The woman said the conversation sounded normal to her and Nipsey kept saying "No" when Holder asked him if he had ever snitched.

She explained, "Yeah, Nipsey seemed like cool, but his 'No' was just like this dude need to go kind of. That's how I kind of took it, like trying to brush him off, you know, like 'No, no.' You know how somebody like keep asking you something and you probably don't want to keep answering the same question or something? Nipsey was just kind of like that."

After Holder and Nipsey were done talking, the woman says she took a picture with the rapper and went back to the car, leaving Holder behind with Nipsey.

The woman testified that she had no idea anything bad was about to happen.

She says Holder returned to the car and told her that he wanted to eat his food in the car. The woman says she drove around for a little bit while Holder ate.

At some point during the drive, she testified that Holder pulled out the gun and started loading it. She says she told Holder, "You're not gonna do a drive-by in my car."

The woman says Holder did not seem angry and did not indicate he was upset with Nipsey in any way.

They ended up back where Nipsey was and the woman testified that Holder told her that he would be right back and "Don't go nowhere."

She says she did not see him take the gun with him when he left the car.

A short time later, she says she heard two gunshots and a man was running.

The woman testified that it did not occur to her that Holder might have been the one to fire the shots.

She says that Holder returned to the car and told her, "Drive, drive, before I slap you." The woman testified that she did not notice the gun in Holder's hand until after she started driving away and noticed that he actually had two guns — a black semiautomatic and a smaller revolver.

The woman testified that she saw Holder put one of the guns in the bag his food had come in. She said she was too afraid to pull over or stop the car.

She said she got on the freeway and eventually dropped Holder off at his cousin's house. The woman testified that Holder did not speak about the shooting at all and did not direct her not to speak about what happened.

After the woman dropped Holder off, she says she went to her mother's house.

She testified, "When I got home, I put my clothes in the washing machine and I sat on my bed and I went through looking at my social media and then that's when I seen like everybody was like posting on my -- my picture and stuff saying like, 'Oh, we think that Nipsey Hussle been shot. We trying to make sure if he's -- If he's still alive or he's not.' And then they pronounced that he was dead."

The woman continued, "My heart had dropped. I hurry up and ran in my mom room and told her like, 'Mom, I was just there and I took a picture with him,' showing her everything on my phone and stuff, and she was just like, 'Calm down,' you know. 'I know how you feel. You just saw him," you know. 'Just go relax.'"

She testified that she did not contact Holder that night but he called her around 8:00 PM and asked her if she could pick him up from his cousin's house.

The woman said she did and that Holder asked if he could spend the night at her mother's house. She says she did and she did not asking him about the shooting because she was afraid he might threaten her again.

The next morning, the woman says Holder asked the woman if she could stay at her place and she said no. She says Holder asked her to help him get a room at a motel.

She says she left him at the motel and went to work when she began to see things on social media about Holder possibly being the person who killed Nipsey.

The woman says she returned to the motel with the intention of showing him the social media posts accusing him of shooting Nipsey. She says when she did, Holder did not say anything and just asked her to take him somewhere to get something to eat.

She testified that she eventually asked Holder if he shot Nipsey but he did not respond. The woman testified that at that point, she believed Holder had shot Nipsey.

The woman claims she left Holder and returned to her mother's house when she saw on the news that cops had identified her car.

She testified, "I ran and told my mom. I was like, 'Oh, my god, mom.' I'm like, 'My car is on here and everything and I didn't do anything. I didn't know this boy was gonna do this.' And then she's like, 'Okay. We got to call the police. We got to call detectives and everything so we can go down there and you can tell them.'"

The woman says her mom called the police and she went to see the detectives the next morning. She sat for a five-hour interview with detectives, during which she contacted Holder.

Eric Holder entered a plea of not guilty back in April to one count of murder, two counts of attempted murder and one count of possession of a firearm by a felon.

If found guilty, he faces the maximum sentence of life in prison.

Holder allegedly opened fire on Nipsey Hussle while the rapper was outside his clothing store in Los Angeles on Sunday.

He was apprehended two days later and held on a $7 million bond.

Hussle died from gunshot wounds to the head and torso after being executed in the parking lot of his clothing store the afternoon of March 31.

According to the death certificate, Hussle did not suffer long, and his death is listed as "rapid."

The medical examiner ruled Nipsey's cause of death to be a homicide and the man suspected of pulling the trigger, Eric Holder, pled not guilty during an initial court appearance.

After his autopsy was completed, Nipsey's body was picked up by his family and transported to a famous funeral home in South Los Angeles.


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