Nick Gordon Found Legally Responsible In Bobbi Kristina Wrongful Death Civil Suit After Failing To Appear In Court

Bobbi Kristina Brown's ex-boyfriend Nick Gordon is legally responsible for her death, a judge ruled Friday after Gordon bailed on a Fulton County, Ga., court hearing.

A jury will now determine damages owed to Brown's conservator in the $50 million wrongful death civil lawsuit alleging Gordon had been responsible for injuries that preceded the aspiring singer's July 2015 death, according to the court order obtained by the Daily News.

Because Gordon was a no-show after ignoring discovery requests and plaintiff motions, the judge admitted as "fact" the allegations made by Brown's estate.

“You simply can’t avoid justice, and you can’t thumb your nose at a court process," estate lawyer R. David Ware told The News. "But this is more about Bobbi Kristina Brown and showing without any question that Mr. Gordon is legally responsible for her injuries and death. We look forward to having a jury tell us what that’s worth."

The estate’s attorneys cited Gordon’s April "Dr. Phil" interview — during which Gordon, 26, admitted he’d “ignored this lawsuit and its consequences” amid other revelations concerning Brown’s drug use and eventual death — as evidence he had “thumbed (his) nose” at the court, tweeted a reporter from NBC affiliate 11Alive, which first reported the news.

"It’s been a long time. They should have been gotten him. He should have been arrested," Brown's aunt Leolah Brown told the news station following the hearing. "He's ignorant; he's arrogant. He thinks he's above the law. He's not."

Just a week after Gordon’s drama-filled daytime TV interview, Brown’s father, Bobby Brown, added his name to the wrongful death lawsuit. Gordon’s interview also prompted a conservator for Bobbi Kristina Brown’s estate to file a renewed motion against Gordon for his decision to chat about the case on television.

“The defendant ignores this Court's mandates but freely discusses his role in the incident which led to the horrific injuries to decedent Bobbi Kristina,” the court document stated.

The only daughter of Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston was found in a bathtub Jan. 31, 2015 face-down and unresponsive, and later died in hospice care after a six-month coma. Her death resulted from drowning and mixed drug intoxication, according to the autopsy report unsealed earlier this year.

Brown's conservator's multi-million dollar wrongful death suit, meanwhile, alleged Gordon had caused her brain damage by knocking her out with a drug cocktail and leaving her in a tub filled with cold water.

Gordon, who has repeatedly maintained his innocence, has not been charged criminally. A criminal investigation into Brown's death remains ongoing.


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