That's quite a punch line.

Troubled comedian Katt Williams was caught on video getting pummeled by a young man after Williams had sucker-punched him.

The unknown youngster pounced on Williams after getting punched, putting him in a chokehold on the ground before the two of them were separated by the large crowd that had gathered.

It's unknown what caused the argument, which took place in Melrose, Fla., according to the website Hollywood Take.

The beating was posted on the website Fameolous, as well as the Facebook page belonging to user "Luke Dagreat."

"Luke" seemed to go to "great" effort to retaliate against Williams after he took a punch from the comedian. Neither person seemed to be seriously injured, though.

Undaunted, Williams continued to goad and mock the youngster following the beating.

Williams' temper has often put him in hot water, especially recently. Earlier this year, a woman claimed that Williams assaulted her after she said that Kevin Hart was funnier than him.

Another woman accused Williams recently of organizing a five-on-one assault involving witchcraft a few years ago because she used his bathroom.

Williams has also been accused of attacking his own bodyguard. The comedian suggested recently that he gets arrested so many times because he is black.

Katt from the hood ……


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