Kanye West Responds To Issa Rae’s ‘SNL’ Joke

Kanye West has spoken out regarding a joke last night’s “Saturday Night Live” host Issa Rae made about his involvement in the presidential election.

In the sketch, Rae played a lawyer for the NAACP being interviewed by talk show host Kenan Thompson on “Your Voice Chicago.” When asked about the upcoming election, Rae’s character responded that she would be “voting for everybody Black,” in reference to Rae’s viral moment during the 2017 Emmy Awards when she said she was “rooting for everybody Black.”

But, when Thompson as the host mentioned the presidential race “between Donald Trump, Joe Biden and Kanye West,” Rae’s character made her thoughts about West’s candidacy clear, saying: “Kanye? F him!”

West responded to the joke on Twitter Sunday morning, writing: “I’ve always said ‘SNL’ uses black people to hold other black people back. My heart goes out to Issa Rae. I’m praying for her and her family. I know that the twenty years of service that I’ve paid in the entertainment field has furthered our ability to be more successful.” Attached to West’s tweet was a screenshot of the results that come up when one enters “Issa Rae” into Google.

West’s previous tweet was one in which he encouraged his fans to “WRITE IN KANYE WEST” on their ballots for the upcoming presidential election. Though West did not make it onto many ballots, he is listed as the vice presidential candidate on the California ballot, with Roque “Rocky” De La Fuente as the presidential nominee for the American Independent Party.


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