Justin Timberlake Arrested In Long Island New York For DWI

Justin Timberlake got lit up by cops in New York and was taken into custody for a DWI Sag Harbor police say they first spotted Justin after he blew past a stop sign a little more than half a mile away from the American Hotel where he left a get-together with friends. Cops say that's when they started following Justin at which point they claim he failed to stay in a straight line on the road tailing him for about another half mile before they finally hit the lights. Justin was eventually pulled over at an intersection which is in a residential area, mind and at that point, cops say they suspected he was under the influence. The signs that cops cite for their determination bloodshot/glassy eyes, a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from his breath, unable to divide attention, slowed speech, unsteady afoot and cops go on to say he performed poorly on all field sobriety tests cops claim Justin said, "I had one martini and I followed my friends home." There's no mention of Justin's friends intervening in this police report, but we're told friends of his attempted to intervene during this stop asking them to cut him a break new photos of Justin leaving the police station there in Sag Harbor JT and his attorney apparently leaving the courthouse through what looks to be a back garage of some sort. You can see his lawyer holding a briefcase and leading Justin out of the building upon his release. Justin was just arraigned and released without bail. He has been charged with 1 count of DWI and cited for running a stop sign and failure to keep in his lane. The next court date is July 26. He's being repped by criminal defense lawyer Ed Burke, Jr. As for the traffic stop, law enforcement observed Justin glassy-eyed and they say they smelled alcohol on his breath. They say he failed the field sobriety test when asked to do a one-legged stand and a walk and turn. Justin was at the American Hotel partying and almost immediately after he left and began driving,Justin's friends came on scene and tried to convince cops to cut him a break, but they refused. Justin was handcuffed and arrested, 


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