Jeannie Mai Calls Police On Jeezy For Not Allowing Her To Retrieve Her Things From Home

Jeannie Mai and Jeezy split in 2023 with the dispute expanding over the following year into a messy and public ordeal. The former The Real host recently got the police involved during an incident at Jeezy’s residence last month after the rapper allegedly did not allow her to retrieve her things from this Georgia home. Jeezy had “legitimate concerns about Jeannie being able to walk through the whole house. His lawyer added, “[Jeezy] does not feel safe having [Jeannie] in his home. Given [Jeannie’s] history of attempting to destroy [Jeezy’s] career with misleading information, [Jeezy] would have no way of knowing if [Jeannie] is planting listening devices or cameras in his home. Jeannie Mai said her lawyers notified Jeezy she will be coming to his home to collect her things on Dec. 9, 2024, and claimed “he had no objections to her coming to pick up her items that were packed and in his garage.” She arrived with her movers on that day, but was not allowed to enter. Mai says Jeezy’s house manager, “on the orders of [Jeezy], refused to let her and her security team access the garage. She then called the police, not to “make a scene” but instead to report that the court order was being violated. “The house manager continued to refuse to let [Jeannie] and her movers access the garage; in fact the house manager called [Jeezy], who again confirmed that [Jeannie] and her movers were not to access her items, disregarding the court order entirely,” the motion read. “At this time, [Jeannie] called the Atlanta Police Department, who came to the property to gather a report on [Jeannie’s] denial of access. [Jeannie] as always was the consummate professional,” Jeannie’s lawyer wrote.


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