Jay-Z Accuser Says Audio Recording Of Her Admitting She Was Never Assaulted Private Investigators Twisted Her Words

Jay-Z's Jane Doe accuser says don't believe that recording Jay's private investigators made of her allegedly retracting her rape allegation, because she's claiming the 2 P.I.s flat-out lied in their declarations to the court. One day after Jay's attorneys released portions of the recorded convo they had with the accuser, she's filed new declarations telling the judge Charlotte Henderson and James Butler shocked her when they showed up, uninvited, at the door of her Alabama home. Doe says she was not in any way "calm, natural, or at ease" and "trembled the entire time we spoke" totally contrary to how Henderson and Butler described Doe's behavior during the interaction. She's also denying their claim she told them 4 times Jay-Z was not involved in the alleged 2000 rape following the VMAs in NYC. In the new docs, Doe says, "I never stated (whether once or 4 times) that Mr. Carter did not assault me. It is truein the released recording you only hear Doe respond, "Yeah," after the investigator says Jay didn't commit any "sexual acts towards you. Tony Buzbee, Doe's attorney, pushed her to sue Jay-Z she, again, denies saying that to the investigators, but this part gets murky. Doe says she never said these words "He was the one that kind of pushed me towards going forward with him, with Jay-Z." However, Henderson's declaration includes that exact quote, as does the recording. Doe insists, "I never made any such statements to Henderson or any other person.


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