1. Where are we talking from today?

A. I am currently living and working in Nashville, TN. I have lived in this area for over 6+ years.

2. What would you like to accomplish in 2019?

A. I started this year with utter determination to release an EP/album of really any genre, just to dedicate my life music. I have a passion for hip-hop and alternative rock and made a commitment to get at least one of many projects publicly distributed. As of September 2019, I have sent a 6 song hip-hop/rap EP, called “The 3-2-4 Mixtape”, for commercial distribution through Amuse. I would like to finish the year promoting this record heavily and reaching the largest potential audience imaginable.

3. What is your take on politics?

A. My take on today’s political climate is based on what I see in the real world. Generally speaking, I think the American people are not being told the full gravity of some situations such as global warming and being oversold on other issues such as gun control. As a former college student hailing from a small town raised in a medium-income family; I can tell you that there’s a large group of young people that are struggling with personal debt. I will flat out tell you that I do not agree with what’s happening at the border, as that’s more of a humanitarian issue.

4. Where did you get your artist name from?

A. Back in 2017, I remember telling my girlfriend at the time that I was going to take my hip hop aspirations more seriously and that I needed a name. I thought about where I worked, which was at Bird scooter company. My name is Brandon. So viola!

5. Growing up, how important has music been in your life? Can you recall the moment when you decided that you wanted to be a musician? Was it an easy or difficult choice to make?

A. Music took to me as a child as birds take to the sky. I was never really especially talented, but I spent everyday idolizing the gods of performing arts: David Bowie, Prince, Gaga, James Brown, Jackson...people that were music personified. I remember buying the first guitar that I bought with my own money, and life never was the same. I couldn’t even play the thing but would put on “shows” in my bedroom. In high school I started project after project, band after band, trying to get people to work with me on becoming great. Nothing came out of it but the drive to keep going till it happens. All along the way, I learned new skills such as producing and new styles. Music isn’t a choice for me. To quote Jack Nicholson quoting John Lennon in the departed: “Give me a tuba and I’ll get something out of it”. If I never make a dollar from music it’s still my lifeblood and I can’t ignore it. I tried. I have a degree in mechanical engineering, and I still call myself a musician first. I don’t remember any specific moment where I decided to dedicate my life to music, but I do remember being down on my luck and watching one of Tai Lopez’s “motivation videos” and him saying “your purpose is you childlike curiosity for any particular subject”. For me it is music.

6. Was there ever a time when you thought about doing something else? If you weren’t a musician today, what could you see yourself doing?

A. I have a degree in mechanical engineering cause I thought for a very long time that engineering was my path. Sometimes I still do, and my resume is still out there. But that’s only because my mom and dad wanted me to have a plan other than my dream as a musician. I mean it’s not like I got through engineering school without having some interest in the subject, but always when I should have been studying I was listening to beats or writing lyrics. I still could see my self as some freelance engineering trying to build the first iron man suit, but it’s not me to be in the office fetching coffee.

7. What has been the biggest surprise so far about making music your career? What has been an unexpected or welcome challenge to it all?

A. I wouldn’t call it a surprise, but it shocked me sort of to learn how bigger labels acquire talent and how the whole commercial album production process goes. You start reading about all the big names that had been in the music industry forever but didn’t make it big till they producing material for themselves. Not everyone starts in the garage handing out demos on the street. A lot of these guys have been writing for other people for years. Sometimes for me, that translates that getting your foot in the door is a matter of luck more than anything and it can be a while before someone worth mentioning hears your song.

8. What was it like putting together your EP?

A. After you been writing/playing music for a while, you kind of get this attitude that no matter how it sells, I’m going to have fun and be true to myself. I’ve written at least a hundred songs that’ll never be heard, but happy to play to friends to family if I can remember them. Putting together my current record is no different. If it gets a 1000 commercial plays I’ll be happy, cause it’ll always mean more to me than anyone else. It’s my hard work on display, and I love the piss and vinegar as much the reward.

9. Who are some of your favorite artists or rather, what musicians have continued to inspire you and your music? Who would you still love to work with in the future?

A. My favorite artist at the moment is Chance the Rapper. Going through his catalog I’ve found that he adores the opportunity he’s been given and is determined to get his message out there, which is “life is God”. I believe Hip hop was meant to tell a story and all the greats are good storytellers. My idols are Jay-z, Biggie, Rakim, Ghostface...they taught me how to keep faith, keep my head up, and make money. I would love to work with any of today’s greatest storytellers including Chance the Rapper and J-Cole

10. What has it been like keeping up with your social media accounts and all of the different platforms? Is it hard to stay up to date on it all? What would you say is your favorite way to connect with your fans now?

A. For me keeping up with the socials is the hardest part of it all. As a painter all you want to do is paint, and let the auction house be in charge of putting it on display. I understand the importance of reaching out to fans and keeping up with the chatter, and I do my best. However, for me, it’s more like if you leave a message or a comment regarding a song I will send you a heartfelt reply of thanks and keep it moving. I need to work on engaging fans in a manner that makes them look forward to my future work. Right now my best method of communication is Facebook and Instagram.

11. If you were going to be stranded on a deserted island, what musical item would you take with you and why?

A. A guitar of some sort would be nice. I could record a catalog's worth of serenades while slowly dying on the beach.

12. If your music was going to be featured on any TV show that is currently on right now, which would you love it to be on? Or if you prefer, what is a movie that you love that you wish your music was featured in?

A. Eh, I don’t watch a lot of TV but 50 cent’s Power has a lot of hype. Maybe the huddle song for an NFL team, I dunno.

13. At the end of the day, what do you hope people take away from your music?

A. I just want the world to see me for what I am and what that is is a songwriter. Maybe even a pretty prolific one at that. As far as my message: Be yourself, and speak on what you know. If all you know is bad relationships, sing songs about bad relationships. If all you know is God, sing songs about God.

14. When you are not making music what else do you enjoy to do?

A. Can’t help to ride a scooter now and then. And I will always enjoy writing and watching other musicians perform.

15. Where you @ online?

A. You can find Scooty B Cruzin on Instagram, Facebook, Bandcamp, Reverbnation, And Twitter. I have releases on Apple Music and Spotify.

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