The footage of “Tilikum” drowning trainer Dawn BranCheau has hit the internet, and let me say there is no amount of money that anyone could ever pay me to get in water with a Killer Whale, after watching Tilikum kill. The whale clearly knew what it was doing and after hearing Sea World try to down play what really happen, I see now they are liars…— Trying to cover up the fact that this Whale is an unsafe wild animal.
I was told that Sea World had been trying to keep this video from the public but clearly all there efforts didn’t work. The Whale was Clearlying trying to kill her.
The truth is killer whales are not cute & put on this earth to do tricks & amaze us. They are highly intelligent large predators & seaworld are wrong to keep them captive in tanks.
Below is a video of them hunting seals! Does this look familiar?
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