Nkrumah Jenningswas born in New York and grew up in New Jersey. The jewelers' journey started in 1998 whenNkrumahwas in his mid twenties. He took a trip from his hometown of Birmingham, AL to Puerto Rico, then from Puerto Rico to Venezuela and Brazil. While in Puerto Rico a man by the name ofShambaoverheardNkrumahand a friend planning the Venezuela portion of their trip.Shambaoffered to teachNkrumahhow to make simple handmade jewelry out of gemstones and jewelry wire. He said that this craft would helpNkrumahto finance his trip. While travelingNkrumahmet other jewelers who taught him how to work metal.Nkrumahtraveled the Amazon for five days. During that time he played dominoes on the upper deck with the South American Indians who also taught him how to turn brass and silver wire into classic jewelry designs.
In 2001Nkrumahmoved to Brooklyn. Once in New York,Nkrumahquickly earned himself a name and a following in the fashion industry and among fellow artists for game changing designs and quality work. During the last 17 years, not more than a month would pass whereNkrumahhas not picked up a hammer and piece of copper.Nkrumahhas met and adorned almost all his favorite artists, sheroes, and heroes. That list would include the likes ofRoberta FlackandMary J Bligeto name a couple.
In February of 2015Nkrumahmoved back to the south to a house in the quiet solitude of the country where is furthering his mastery as a craftsman. Today,Nkrumahcontinues to service a great wealth of clients from all over the world.
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