Dave Chappelle Thanks His Friends For Breaking The Arm Of Man Who Tackled Him On Stage

Dave Chappelle thanked his comrades in arms for beating the crap out of his Hollywood Bowl attacker this just hours after it went down there's audio where Dave opens up about the terrifying incident. Dave was characteristically funny but also very serious, when he told the crowd Tuesday night at the Pendry Hotel in WeHo, "I felt good my friends broke his arm. I felt good, how bad does a n***** have to be that Jon Stewart would stomp him! But, Dave had his limits, telling the crowd, "Killing that n**** would have been stupid. Dave thanked his friends during the after-party it seems some of the folks who subdued the attacker were on hand. Dave expressed his gratitude this way those are very powerful friends and I'm sharing [this night] with people I love very much. Dave continued on with his act after the attack he was clearly shaken, but he seemed chill at the after-party. Busta Rhymes co-hosted the after-party with Dave Busta's one of the celebs who got his licks in when the attacker was neutralized. the 23-year-old attacker was injured and taken to a hospital. He was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon.


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