Cardi B will not be able to exclusively cash in on her well known catchphrase after officials shut down the hip-hop star and claimed her phrase isn't all that special.

According to The Blast, Cardi was refused a trademark registration after filing to lock down her phrase, "Okurrr."

U.S. Patent and Trademark officials explained that Cardi's slogan falls under the category of "widely-used commonplace expressions," and did not fit the bill to deserve a trademark.

They also noted that Okurrr, "is a slogan or term that does not function as a trademark or service mark to indicate the source of applicant’s goods and/or services," and that it does not distinguish itself from other similar marks.

USPTO officials combed through the internet and found tons of different times Okurrr has been used ... but unfortunately most of the examples are just fans ripping off the "Money" star.

There were also some examples of the Kardashians being associated with the phrase over the years, which officials felt justified their decision to deem it a common expression.

Furthermore, it seems a few of Cardi's fans already beat the star to the punch and filed similar trademark applications before she filed her own application back in March.

The "Bodak Yellow" rapper filed to trademark, "Okurrr" for merchandising purposes.

Some of the swag she wanted to put the catchphrase on included paper goods, like cups and posters, as well as a clothing line featuring pants, shirts, and hoodies.

After originally filing the paperwork, Cardi defended her actions to "secure the bag" and let fans know that she's building an empire and not shy about getting her money.

The refusal by officials hasn't completely closed the door for Cardi, because she still has a chance to make changes and argue her case before the trademark is completely abandoned.

They was like ........


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